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How to Use

New to Your Pet?

Sometimes your pet is a bit hesitant to use a different litter, in a different tray, which is understandable. To allow a smooth, trouble free transition, sprinkle some of your old litter over the top of Kitter for a short period until your pet is used to the new litter.

Two Piece Sieve Tray

Put a small amount of litter in the bottom layer under the sieve – use 2 to 3 handfuls.  This litter absorbs any liquid that goes through the top layer.  Put a layer of approximately 2cm of litter in the top of the sieve and the tray is ready to use.

Regularly shake the tray.  This allows litter that has absorbed the odour causing liquid to fall through the sieve into the base.  Scoop out solids daily.  The wet litter, in the base, can be replaced as required.

The regular process

  1. Remove all the wet litter from the base,
  2. Add a couple of scoops of litter from the top of the sieve to the base, and
  3. Then, add a couple of scoops of fresh litter to the top of the sieve.
  4. This allows the litter to be regularly “turned over” with fresh litter always being added to the top.

Every 2 – 3 weeks, or more frequently if required, clean the whole tray with bleach or a non-citrus based equivalent, and replace all the litter.

One Piece Tray

Fill a clean empty litter tray with a layer of approximately 3cm of kitter.  Scoop out solids daily and change the litter regularly.

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